The Color Black
is the color of borders, and of authority. Though we have many negative associations with black, we also find it intriguing. In some cultures and folklore black represents evil, darkness, night, and despair. It’s the color used to convey certainty and authority, and when used in opposition with white, it’s a symbol of the eternal struggle between day and night, good and evil, and right and wrong.

Illustrated Posters of Black
Added reference picture with the posters
*Warning if you have Trypophobia/fear of circles please skip this bottom page or the first artwork.
Spiritual Dreamtime and Art History
Pan African
Black Liberation Flag
The Kaaba
Global Meaning of Black
-Black evokes sophistication, elegance, and power in the U.S., where it is often used by luxury brands.
-In Latin America, the color is linked with masculinity, and black is often worn by men.
-Black is also associated with mourning in many cultures.
More Black In Political Culture
In Hong Kong, the growing protest movement has chosen specific colors to mark its politics. The demonstrators, who temporarily paralyzed the airport and entire swathes of the metropolis with massive protests, are wearing black, the color of grief. They chose it to symbolize their sadness over the developments in Hong Kong. As an everyday item that protects users against the rain and the sun, the umbrella has, in the past, symbolized political weakness. In the Hong Kong protests, it has been used to shield against the pepper spray and tear gas of the police, thus has become a political symbol of resistance. Hong Kong protesters are not waging a color revolution. Their goal is not some abstract ideal of democracy, but the memory of a way of life they have no intention of letting Beijing take away. They are fired not by foreign agents but by China’s attempts to deny them full participation in their government, which it promised them through 2047 in the agreement under which Britain ceded control over Hong Kong.