The Color Orange
is optimistic and charming, brings spontaneity and a positive outlook on life. Orange is a great color to be used in tough economic times, as it keeps us motivated and helps us to look on the bright side of life. It offers us emotional strength in difficult times. orange can represent change and movement in general. Orange is also strongly associated with creativity.

Illustrated Posters of Orange
Added reference picture with the posters
Holy men
The Orange Revolution
Traditional Burial
Global Meaning of Orange
-Official dignitaries in China wear orange.
-In some paintings of Adam and Eve in paradise, an artist draws oranges instead of apples on the tree of knowledge.
-In the Middle East, it is associated with mourning and loss.
-In China and Japan, the orange symbolizes happiness and love.
More Orang In Culture
Myanmar - Political
The Saffron Revolution was a series of economic and political protests and demonstrations that took place during August, September, and October 2007 in Myanmar. The protests were triggered by the decision of the national military government to remove subsidies on the sales prices of fuel.
Netherlands - Symbolism
While the color orange has royal roots in the Netherlands, today it symbolizes a broader pride in the country and in being Dutch. Colloquially known either as Oranjegekte (Orange craze) or Oranjekoorts (Orange fever), the obsession with the color spilled over into Dutch sporting events in the later 20th century.