The Color Purple
In ancient times, the dyes used for creating purple hues were extracted from snails and were very expensive, so only royals and the very wealthy could afford them. Taking all aspects of purple’s past and present into consideration, purple symbolizes magic, mystery, spirituality, the subconscious, creativity, dignity, royalty – and it evokes all of these meanings more so than any other color.

Illustrated Posters of Purple
Added refence picture with the posters
Metropolitan Crest Flag
Latin Americans
Día de Los Muertos
Global Meanings of Purple
-Among Mediterranean people, purple was reserved for emperors and popes. The Japanese christened it “Imperial Purple”
-Purple is the color of mourning or death in many cultures (U.K., Italy, Thailand, Brazil)
-The “Purple Heart” is the American award for bravery.
-Purple is a symbolic color for the gay community in many Western cultures.
More Purple In Political Culture
South Africa
The Purple March was an anti-apartheid protest held in Cape Town on 2 September 1989, four days before South Africa's racially segregated parliament held its elections. Water cannons with the dye added–first experimented with Northern Ireland–were made notorious against the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa. Police turned purple water cannons on thousands of peaceful protesters who stood their ground politically by getting on their knees rather than back down against the assault. One of the protesters leaped onto the water cannon vehicle, seized the nozzle, & turned it away from protesters onto the facades of nearby buildings.
In India, a mass protest happened in 2015 that ended with purple rain and police brutality. The government workers in Srinagar, Kashmir have been protesting for years now to regularize their jobs from day-rated temporary workers & to raise the retirement age from 58 to 60 (since India has no social security). The government’s consistent response has been truncheons, tear gas, & water cannons of purple dye. The use of disproportionate force against striking & protesting workers is of a piece with the brutal methods of Indian military occupation in Kashmir.